July 14, 2014

Pick a Font, Any Font

Last week's tip reviewed the value of brevity and clear, concise text on a site. This week we focus on the use of consistent fonts. It's extremely distracting to read text in different font sizes, types, and styles. Not only is it distracting to try to read text when the color, size, and type keep changing from one sentence to the next, but it also destroys any professional credibibility a company is trying to establish.

Often the use of different colors and sizes is an attempt to make text stand out and capture attention, but this can be done with the use of one text style such as bold, OR italics, OR color, OR text type, but not all at the same time, and not in successive sentences. When every sentence is bolded, in a new color, highlighted or italicized, all emphasis is lost. For the best effect remember that less is more.