May 1, 2014

Facebook, and Twitter, and Blogs, Oh My!

 If you're, ahem, of a certain generation (one in which you weren't born with an iPod in your hand) social media can be scary.  With Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, Wordpress, Blogger, News Feeds, it's all a little overwhelming.  And that's not to mention Pinterest, Four Square, Tumblr, You Tube...the list goes on.  But, take heart - you can use social media outlets to your advantage.  Take small steps and start with just one, say Facebook, and first set up a business account.  Post a special or coupon and see what response you get.  When you're more comfortable with Facebook, set up a Twitter account and send out a "tweet" (yes, it's really called that), about a service your firm provides.  Put links to your Facebook and Twitter accounts on your web site.  Voila, you're using social media.  Set up a schedule for upating your social media accounts (say every other week or every month) and you'll be continually marketing your business.