September 1, 2014

Should You Be FB "Friends" With Clients?

Today we're so used to posting everything in our lives, that we sometimes forget who's looking at it.  Do you remember every single person listed as one of your friends on Facebook?  If you "friend" clients, keep that in mind before you post pictures of "girls/guys night out" at the bar.

To avoid potentially embarrassing situations, be careful when "friending" clients or potential clients on your personal accounts - keep in mind that they will be privy to everything you post.

Make sure to keep business and personal social media pages separate. That means don't post personal information, photos or opinions on your business or organization's FB page or Twitter page, and conversely, don't solicit business via your personal FB and Twitter accounts.  You can successfully use social media to your business's advantage as long as you set and maintain boundaries between business and pleasure.