September 8, 2014

How Much Is That Website in the Window?

How much should a website cost?  That's a tricky's like asking how much does a house cost.  It depends on how big the site is, where it's located, and what elements are included in it.  A site that has an online store integrated into it, or large back-end functionality like a secure login area for clients to access files will cost more than a simple, brochure-type site.  Prices also vary from one part of the country to the next - expect to pay more in a big city than a small town.  A large PR or media firm that has lots of employees will charge more than an individual designer simply because they need to cover their company's overhead costs in addition to making a profit.

Quite honestly it's like the wild west out there when it comes to website pricing.  I've seen firms charge tens of thousands of dollars for small, brochure-type sites that should really be priced at a fraction of that cost.  It can be confusing and disorienting to say the least.  The best way to gauge what an accurate price should be for your project is to get 3-5 estimates so you can comparison shop.  Most importantly, you should choose a web designer you connect with and trust.