September 15, 2014

I, We, They, Me? How to Write For Your Site

I recently had a conversation about what pronouns to use when writing copy for a web site.  This can seem especially tricky if you are self employed; how do you strike a balance between sounding professional, yet approachable?

If you have a business, I recommend writing using third person narrative ("we", "she/he", "our"),  as if someone else were writing this about you.  If you incorporated or created an LLC and/or registered a business name, that business is a separate entity from you.  I know it can feel weird to write about yourself this way, but remember you are representing your company and the services your company provides. When people pay you, they will be making the check out to your company name.

As for writing style or tone, it doesn't have to be overly formal and stiff - you still want to connect with potential clients after all - but be sure to still keep it professional and clean.  In other words, write as you if you were speaking to a client or potential client.  One final tip: don't let writing website copy intimidate you - you can always change the copy on your site at any time.