October 13, 2014

The Simpler The Better

When designing a website themselves, people often make the error of "more is more", resulting in a crowded, chaotic home page that is just too busy.  When visitors have too many choices and too much to look at, they get overwhelmed and often flee.  It's tempting to want to include everything about your company right there on the home page so nothing is left out and visitors know you can "do it all".  It's better however, to let them discover this by breaking up all that information and putting it on separate pages.  But what if they don't see the information?  How will they know I do everything if I don't list it right there on the first page?!  With clear and easy navigation to your products, services, and "about us" pages, visitors will find all the information they are looking for without it being crammed into your home page.