February 2, 2015

Making Use of Social Media - Even If You Hate It

Let's face it, sending out Tweets and updating Facebook pages is not for everyone - some people would simply rather spend time on other tasks involved in running a business. But what do you do if you just don't have the budget for hiring someone to update your social media?  Twitter and Facebook are not going away anytime soon - companies that want to stay relevant in the marketplace are going to have to use them.  Take heart - there are some ways to make use of social media sites without having to spend hours updating your status.  Here are a few:

  • Use a service like dlvr.it, Hootsuite, or LaterBro  that will automatically update FaceBook, LinkedIn, and Twitter with your blog posts

  • Add links to social media on your own web site to enable visitors to help spread the word about your business

  • Pre-write simple tweets and have an intern or young relative send out on a scheduled basis