February 9, 2015

Rome Wasn't Built in a Day

Rome wasn't built in a day, and your website won't be either.  In our updated-by-the-second world, we've come to expect instant results and changes at the speed of light.  But if you want to do your website the right way, take the time to not only plan it out correctly, but also to carefully word your copy and proofread the text.  Too often I see sloppy websites with numerous typos, misaligned photos/text, and broken links - mistakes that can all be avoided.  The biggest error of all is in not taking the time to plan out what's going into the site, resulting in a confusing, disorganized site that's difficult to navigate.  Some things to think about when planning a site:

  • Business Identity: What is the crux of your business - a nutshell description of who you are and what you do

  • Market: Who is the target audience for your site?

  • Objectives: What do you want your site to provide for your target audience?

  • Success: How will you measure success for your site? Increased presence/sales/contacts/leads?

Taking the time to plan ahead will result in a well-thought out website that gets noticed.