February 16, 2015

D.I.Y. or Hire a Web Pro?

With the many, seemingly free and "easy" DIY web packages advertised today, it sounds like a simple task to build your own web site...until you actually attempt it.  While it may sound like it's a snap to create a sophisticated, complex site in 3 clicks or less, building a site is much more complicated than that.  A lot more goes into planning and building a web site than most people think about; that becomes evident when some try to do it themselves, resulting in a convoluted, disorganized, "hot mess" that's confusing for clients to use.  Even if you know how to drag and drop, or insert images, it doesn't mean you have an eye for design, marketing, and visual appeal like a professional does.  Many people wrongly believe that hiring a web designer is too expensive and that they can't afford it, but that's simply not true; there are many affordable web designers who work with small budgets.  If you're goal is end up with a sleek, sophisticated web site that leaves a favorable impression on your customers, then you can't afford not to hire a pro.

February 9, 2015

Rome Wasn't Built in a Day

Rome wasn't built in a day, and your website won't be either.  In our updated-by-the-second world, we've come to expect instant results and changes at the speed of light.  But if you want to do your website the right way, take the time to not only plan it out correctly, but also to carefully word your copy and proofread the text.  Too often I see sloppy websites with numerous typos, misaligned photos/text, and broken links - mistakes that can all be avoided.  The biggest error of all is in not taking the time to plan out what's going into the site, resulting in a confusing, disorganized site that's difficult to navigate.  Some things to think about when planning a site:

  • Business Identity: What is the crux of your business - a nutshell description of who you are and what you do

  • Market: Who is the target audience for your site?

  • Objectives: What do you want your site to provide for your target audience?

  • Success: How will you measure success for your site? Increased presence/sales/contacts/leads?

Taking the time to plan ahead will result in a well-thought out website that gets noticed.

February 2, 2015

Making Use of Social Media - Even If You Hate It

Let's face it, sending out Tweets and updating Facebook pages is not for everyone - some people would simply rather spend time on other tasks involved in running a business. But what do you do if you just don't have the budget for hiring someone to update your social media?  Twitter and Facebook are not going away anytime soon - companies that want to stay relevant in the marketplace are going to have to use them.  Take heart - there are some ways to make use of social media sites without having to spend hours updating your status.  Here are a few:

  • Use a service like dlvr.it, Hootsuite, or LaterBro  that will automatically update FaceBook, LinkedIn, and Twitter with your blog posts

  • Add links to social media on your own web site to enable visitors to help spread the word about your business

  • Pre-write simple tweets and have an intern or young relative send out on a scheduled basis